DTactive: A Vision-Based Tactile Sensor with Active Surface

Jikai Xu*,1,2,  Lei Wu*,1,2,  Changyi Lin3,  Ding Zhao3,  Huazhe Xu1,4,5
1Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute,  2Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 
3Carnegie Mellon University,  4Tsinghua University,  5Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory


The development of vision-based tactile sensors has significantly enhanced robots' perception and manipulation capabilities, especially for tasks requiring contact-rich interactions with objects. In this work, we present DTactive, a novel vision-based tactile sensor with active surfaces. DTactive inherits and modifies the tactile 3D shape reconstruction method of DTact while integrating a mechanical transmission mechanism that facilitates the mobility of its surface. Thanks to this design, the sensor is capable of simultaneously performing tactile perception and in-hand manipulation with surface movement. Leveraging the high-resolution tactile images from the sensor and the magnetic encoder data from the transmission mechanism, we propose a learning-based method to enable precise angular trajectory control during in-hand manipulation. In our experiments, we successfully achieved accurate rolling manipulation within the range of [ -180°,180° ] on various objects, with the root mean square error between the desired and actual angular trajectories being less than 12° on nine trained objects and less than 19° on three novel objects. The results demonstrate the potential of DTactive for in-hand object manipulation in terms of effectiveness, robustness and precision.

Design and Fabrication

Design and Fabrication

Rolling Manipulation Control Framework

Design and Fabrication
